I wanted to take a brief moment with you to discuss a matter that is very dear and close to my heart. A terrible affliction that, at some time or other, afflicts every cookier.
Americolor Infectus Manos
Also known as THE DREADED ICING HAND!.....
This serious malady is inflicted upon the best of us....even the most tidy of us...at one point in time.
The staining..
oh, the intolerable staining....
If you or your loved ones are avid cookiers, please be on the lookout for signs and symptoms of an infection. Such as:
> Discoloration of the fingers or, in drastic cases,....the palms.
> Inability to handle white clothing without it resulting in tears and/or various expletives whilst standing in front of the washing machine with Shout.
> Sudden affinity for soap
> And in the most extreme cases, usually spotted in fervid icing consumers, staining of the tongue and/or teeth:
If this sounds all too familiar... Remember, your not alone. There is help available...
I think...
if not there probably should be....
Is it a Muppet nose? A sick person's tongue? Something from Dr. Seuss book?! I want that fifty dollars!
I may not win anything, but I am now dying to know what is on that cookie. Lisa~
You made me laugh! Glad I'm not the only one... thought I was messy...