Monday, August 19, 2013

Tutorial: Cutting Roses

We all know there's been a lot going on lately.  Busy busy....  SO I thought to ease back into it all I would share a simple tutorial with you guys.

I know you've all seen me do these roses before....

Ok not THESE roses....but roses similar to them.  Same shape that is.  Of course I have decorated them a million and one ways.  In fact this rose is my very first franken-shape.  I didn't have a rose cutter that looked like I wanted.  I wasn't thrilled with the cutters out there at the time either.  Keep in mind this was like 4 years ago.  Yep...I've been making these roses since the beginning....

Made these to send to my friend Kim while she was away at school

And made these for Valentine's one year.'s a pretty simple cookie to cut.  You only need two cutters and the magic of your oven....

Start out with your chilled dough....need a dough recipe?  Got ya covered.  Go check out my sugar cookie recipe.  Then make it and come back here...

Ya back?

Good.  Let's move on.

Step 1:  Cut a circle

Step 2: Take a mini heart cutter and cut into the circle like so.....

Now you will notice that the two pieces of dough fit together perfectly.  Which brings us to....

Step 3: Piece your dough together like so and bake.

 While baking the pieces fuse together by the magic of .....heat.....and....baking.... yeah.

Then you can decorate as you please :)

Pretty simple huh??

Now off with you!  Go bake something!


  1. I love these! Thanks for the tutorial!

  2. Beautiful cookies and such a great idea! I have those cutters! Now if I can just remember to use them!

  3. So simple yet absolutely beautiful. Love these!

  4. So brilliant... I love your roses and never have had a rose cutter either... Great idea that you shared. Thank you!
