Sunday, June 12, 2011

2nd EVER Ali Bee's Bake Shop Give-A-Way!!! **CLOSED**

Sunday, June 12, 2011

First off I want to mention how grateful and honored I am that so many of you seem to like my cookie experiments.  It's humbling and thrilling all at once.  So I want to say THANK YOU

Now, I know, on Facebook I told everyone that I was going to host another give-a-way once I hit 1,000 Facebook fans.  And 637 more fans later and here it is!

After I waited 637 more fans...*bad Ali* I knew I had to up it a bit from the last give-a-way.  So here's what I am giving away:

1:  Obviously a dozen personalized cookies from moi...list your demands....

2:  Cookie Craft!  I will be giving away a copy of Cookie Craft so if you are looking for a great book to learn the basic ins and outs of cookie decorating you will want to win this give-a-way!

3:  The piece de resistance, 3 GORGEOUS hand crafted copper cutters from Ecrandal!  I have mentioned on several occasions (at least on FB) how much I ADORE these cutters.  They have the most unique designs available (some of which have been designed by fellow cookie friends of mine) and the quality is UNBELIEVABLE!!  Honestly, my favorite cutters are Ecrandal cutters.  And Eric and Jaime are some of the nicest people you'll meet.  A pleasure to do business with.

** My favorite Dress Cutter - Julia**

Anyway, they have graciously gifted 3 of my favorites just for this give-a-way.  Julia, Plaque, and 'Cheep' Bird.  *swoon*

Alrighty... now that I have the hook's how you bite:

There are 4 ways to enter:

1.  Become a follower of Ali Bee's Bake Shop Blog.  Then comment HERE and let me know how much you love me for giving away this awesome stuff.  If you already follow me then you my friend are very wise.  Let me know how smart you are :)

2.  Become a FB fan....I know I have 1,637 but you know...I'm vain and greedy.  Come back to this post and let me tell me you like me.  It gives me warm fuzzies and a give-a-way entry for you.

3.  Tweet, FB, Blog, whatever about this give-a-way!  Spread the news across the inter web!  That's another entry for you!

4.  Go check out Prayers, Love & Joplin and leave a comment.  You don't have to contribute or pledge to bit to earn an entry but PLEASE consider donating or helping... I'm broadening your philanthropic ventures.  Then come back HERE and tell me you care.  :)

Please leave a separate comment for each entry!  And remember I do moderate my comments so if you don't see your entry immediately please be patient, I will make sure it gets up there.

Deadline to Enter is 11:59 pm  Friday, June 17, 2011.

Winner will be announced Saturday, June 18, 2011.

Let The Games BEGIN!!!  :)


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Anonymous said...

Hi Ali, your work is just beautiful and you treat to me eye candy no matter what you make. Your talent is very inspirational. I'm an avid follower of your blog as well as on FB. I'd just die to win something, anything, from you !! XX
Heba aka 3C.

Laura said...

I'm a follower!!! Your work is absolutely gorgeous!!!! ~Laura The Cookie Lady

Lindsay said...

I already follow your blog and LOVE all of your amazing designs! I also love ecrandal! They make amazing cutters and are wonderful people!

Sooieets said...

Hi Ali! Awesome are such an inspiration! I am a current blog follower!

Anonymous said...

I like you in FB! :)

Sooieets said...

I'm a huge facebook fan as well!

Lindsay said...

PS, I am very smart and already follow your blog and follow you on FB! I REALLY hope I win!!!

Sooieets said...

You've been tweeted! :)

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog

Crystal said...

I am a fan on facebook. Love your stuff!

Lindsay said...

The devastation in Joplin is just too much too much to imagine. My parents spent their Honeymoon in Joplin, many many years ago. I wish the best for recovery of the people/families/communities that have been forever affected by this tragedy.

Stephanie said...

I have been following your blog ever since I saw the brush embroidery tutorial...I check almost every day hoping for more prettiness to look at. Oh my gosh your cookies are the most beautiful things I have seen to date. Congrats on being awesome!

Pam said...

I am already a follower and your blog inspires me. thanks

TheRedCooky said...

I'm a follower! I love your blog and cookies :)

TheRedCooky said...

I like you on fb too! Tiffany

Missy said...

I follow your blog and love it! Thanks

Missy said...

I am now a follower on facebook too!

TheRedCooky said...

I just tweeted too! Tiffany

Sgt.Pepper said...

sono già tua sostenitrice, hai un blog strepitoso ed i tuoi biscotti sono delle vere e proprie d'arte....sei bravissima!!!!
non so se vale anche per persone dall' ci tenevo a farti i complimenti!!!
a presto,

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of FB.

Anonymous said...

I stalk... errr follow your blog too. ;)

Kari said...

Definitely a follower of your blog! I only wish I could create cookies as beautiful!

Rachel said...

I'm a follower! I love your cookies! Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I am an avid follower:) Love everything you make!!!

Anonymous said...

I follow you on facebook! Your cookies are beautiful, I LOVE the peacock! <3 Stephanie elliesbites(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I'm also a Facebook fan :)

Anonymous said...

I'm contributing to PrayersLoveandJoplin and I shared the link to that site on my facebook page. <3 Stephanie elliesbites(at)gmail(dot)com

oohhsweet said...

I am sooo smart that I come in out of the rain )))
I love your work! Great pick on those cookie cutter...verry cute. Debbie B

MMayhugh said...

I am a fb foller! Love your cookie decorating skills!

I really like the football stadium! So cool!

Sweet Expectations said...

Love your cookies and have been a follower for a while now on FB!! You are an inspiration to the rest of us cookie people!! Thanks for the give away!

Lorraine said...

I love your cookies and blog. I am always commenting on your FB page! I would love to win!

Lorraine @

Lorraine said...

I visited Prayers, Love and Joplin and have signed up earlier on to be a contributor to donate cookies.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to help out by creating such a great fundraiser!

Lorraine @ Lorraine's cookies:!/lrussocookies

mmayhugh said...

I think I subscribed correctly. Really neat how I can have your content on my my yahoo page.

I hope I went! :)

Debbie said...

I'm already a follower! I really would love those cookie cutters especially!

mmayhugh said...

I have visited the prayers for Joplin page. Was I supposed to leave a comment on that page or yours?

Awesome what you are doing to help out. JP is one of my fav's too!

Ina Vanderhorst said...

I'm a follower and let me tell you something, your cookies are soo BEAUTIFUL! You are the most talented cookie maker I have ever seen.

God bless your talent :)

Ina Vanderhorst said...

I'm a follower on FB!

Yaneri said...

Ali~ I really LIKE you on Facebook!!!


Yaneri said...

I've been following you Ali!! I one day want to create beautiful cookies like you do!!! Congrats on so many followers and Likes on your Facebook!! That is so Amazing!!!


Natasha said...

Hi Ali. I'm a follower of your blog and on FB. Thank you for sharing your awesome cookies with us. They are just gorgeous!! Your blog is such an inspiration!

barb said...

I am a happy follower, on your blog!

AnnMarie BakeShop said...

I'm a FB fan!

barb said...

I tweeted a link to your site so everyone can see how gorgeous your cookies are!!

AnnMarie BakeShop said...

I also follow your blog!

Yaneri said...

Yeah Ali, it is very devastating how Joplin was affected by mother nature. It touched my heart know how so many people that don't know each other are actually helping one another! I tweeted the blog on my Twitter!


barb said...

I have followed you for a long time!

Unknown said...

I'm a follower. THanks for the great giveaway!
amandarwest at gmaildotcom

365 Dresses said...

I'm a follower on FaceBook. Love your cookies---they are just beautiful.

Unknown said...

Tweeted @amandawk

jennifer.chorazy said...

already a blog follower!

jennifer.chorazy said...

already a FB fan!

365 Dresses said...

I'm also now a follower of your blog. Winning cookies would be great even though they are too pretty to eat! I'd have a party.

365 Dresses said...

Ali, I went to the Prayers, Love Joplin site, but I don't see where I can make a payPal contribution. Am I just missing it?

Linda McCubbin said...

Love those adorable cutters. Have been following you for a while on FB and now I have added on your blog as well.

SugarDeaux said...

I have become a folower of your blog! I'm smart that way ;)

SugarDeaux said...

AND I am a facebook follower!

Call Me Sugar said...

I'm a follower! Love your designs!

Call Me Sugar said...

I'm a FB follower as well!

Gabi Tagliabue said...

I´m a religious follower of your blog and facebook page.
You are an inspiration.
Congrats for all your work ! Love it

Pineapple Muffin said...

I am new to cookie decorating... and YOU are SUCH an INSPIRATION! Thanks for the chance!!! :)

Pineapple Muffin said...

I am a NEW follower on FB!!

sweetbakingboutique said...

Hi I am a follower and still love all your post!!!include me in for the give away please

sweetbakingboutique said...

hi Im a liker on fb and would love to enter the giveaway!

sweetbakingboutique said...

hey already spread the news on fb!!!

sweetbakingboutique said...

hi I m a new follower at the prayer....and think its a wonderful thing

Steve and Sandy said...

I love your work, I follow you on FB and your blog. I'm just starting out with decorating cookies and would love to have the book and cookie cutters.

Kanga said...

Hi, Ali! Your work is amazing and beautiful and I just LOVE you for hosting this very generous give-a-way! You, my new friend, are "da BOMB!" ;)

Kanga said...

I am a new Facebook follower! SO very excited!!

Kanga said...

I tweeted! WOOT!! (@KangaMomma)

vertigoxcured said...

I have already followed your blog for a while now!

vertigoxcured said...

i didnt know you were on facebook...but now im a follower now!

Kanga said...

I visited the blogpage for the Joplin fundraiser, but could not find a place to leave a comment ... I think I just might be a bit tired. My prayers are with the people of Joplin.

Tara @Sweet T Cookies said...

HUGE fan of all your work. If I don't win those cutters, you can bet I'm going to buy at least two of them:)
Thank you!

vertigoxcured said...

posted about your cookies and your give a way on my facebook page!

Tammy said...

I have "Liked" your FB page

Tammy said...

I follow you on Google Reader and have for about 6 months now because I absolutely love your creations and would be sad if I missed anything.

Anita said...

Good evening!! I started following your blog last week, how smart am I?!?! I love, love, love your cookies and I'm very excited about this giveaway!!!

vertigoxcured said...

i checked out the joplin blog...but i dont see any where to leave a comment =( i wish there was some way that i could contribute something to the site.

Anita said...

I also requested to be your friend on Facebook.

czimrn said...

I adore all your gorgeous cookies! I check back everyday because it brightens my day.

Anita said...

Ok, it's me again. I just posted a link on my Facebook page about your giveaway.

Kelly said...

I follow you on FB! You do beautiful work!!!

Christine said...

Even though I read your blog religiously, I just became a follower. You are so talented! I hope I win something. This giveaway is great! :)

Anonymous said...

I came across you blog a few weeks ago and I am in total awe. You are obviously very artistic, not only when it comes to making cookies that are a true work of art. I love following your blog, I tried the brushed embroidery technique from your video and my cookies came out stunning. I always look forward to more posts. Would love some videos as well ;) Thanks for the giveaway!


Sweet Pudgy Panda said...

You inspire me so much! I'm a facebook fan of course!

Sweet Pudgy Panda said...

I also follow your blog! You're awesome!

Sweet Pudgy Panda said...

I tweeted!

Marisa said...

Hey! I check your blog almost everyday for updates.. your work is absolutely amazing. I dabble in custom cookies and am starting my own baking company right now, but I wish mine looked as good as yours! Such inspiration!

So I guess it's time I finally started officially following your blog! Love this give-away, by the way!

Marisa said...

I also shared your link on Facebook.. :)

Marisa said...

And also shared on twitter!

Marisa said...

And I even am a facebook fan.


Emily said...

I'm a follower! LOVE your cookie designs! Glorious!!

Charlene Austin said...

I am a follower! I'm also a crazy paper crafted with a serious desire to decorate cookies. I buy every single cookie cutter I come across at a yard sale or thrift store. How do you store yours?

Little Miss Meringue said...

I follow your blog!!

Little Miss Meringue said...

...and i LIKE you on FB. :)

TheYellowRose said...

I'm a follower and I can't get enough of your inspiring!

Anita said...

I also posted a link about your giveaway on my Facebook Fan Page for Anita's Sweets and Treats.

Anita said...

Apparently I came across a different Facebook page of yours where I requested to be your friend. However, after further research on your blog I saw the link I could click to get to your fan page so I went there and "liked" you. Boy, being on the computer this late at night doesn't work well for me!!! :)

Anonymous said...

im a fan on fb, and follow ur blog, u r truly gifted and do AMAZING WORK!

connie hartman

chany hartman said...

im a fan on fb, and follow ur blog, u r truly gifted and do AMAZING WORK!

connie hartman

Jan J. said...

Oooh pick meeee! I love your blog and get so much inspiration from your creations. How fun it would be to get some cookies designed by you AND a book!

Jan J. said...

I follow you on Facebook because I don't want to miss anything!

Dessert Menu, Please said...

I know that you must be pretty busy but dreaming of tasting your cookies plus those gorgeous cutters, I need to enter!

I love your works and your good heart.

Stacy said...

I'm a Facebook fan! I'm continually amazed at your creations. Keep on baking & decorating!


Stacy said...

I'm a Facebook fan. Your work always inspires & amazes me. Keep on baking & decorating!


Nadia said...

I'm a follower! Your work is absolutely gorgeous!!!! Thanks!

Nadia said...

I'm a FB fan!

By the grace of God ... said...

I've followed you on facebook, but have become a "true follower"
Your cookies ROCK.

Can I be you when I grow up? lol

By the grace of God ... said...

I am a follower on facebook...

glad your computer is back!

Mikki said...

I follow your blog :)

Mikki said...

I am a Facebook fan too :)

JonJon'sMom said...

I am a fan!!!!!!!!! I love your blog and cookies - thank you!

Misc Momma said...

I'm already a follower!

Misc Momma said...

I just liked you on FB.

Nourhan @ Miss Anthropist's Kitchen said...

I already follow you! Thanks so much for the great giveaway :))

Nourhan @ Miss Anthropist's Kitchen said...

I also already follow you on Facebook :)

Nourhan @ Miss Anthropist's Kitchen said...

I just tweeted about it :)
(Also, I don't know how to comment on the other donation blog for some reason)...

Brenda said...

I am a huge fan of your talent and I just love Eric and Jamie. I would love to win.


Nayara said...

Hi Ali! Thank you so much for this awesome give-away! You are my cookie idol and I admire everything you do! I looovveee your cookies and love your creativity and thank you for sharing it with us! I love checking your blog and seeing amazing new things!!!

Nayara said...

Yay, I "liked" you on facebook!! Can't get enough :) forgot to add my email on my first comment, but here it is:

Denise pandey said...

Love your work.. I am a huge fan of what you do!

Jessica Harrison said...

I'm already a fan on FB!

Christina said...

This really is an awesome giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity! I'm already a follower on your blog. :)

Jessica Harrison said...

Shared your giveaway on my FB wall! :)

Nayara said...

LAST POST :) (I promise!) Added a post on FB about your give-away...although, with more people coming on,that might decrease my chances :( BUT, lol..I must not be greedy...there's enough Ali to go around hehehe!

FB: Nayara Kish-Somethin' Delicious

Christina said...

I'm a fan on FB!

Jessica Harrison said...

Following your blog now too! I love your cookies and those cutters are too cute!

Anonymous said...

I "like" you on FB and in real life too! :)


D said...

I love you Ali Bee!

Anonymous said...

I am an AVID blog follower! Your designs and talent always blows me away!


Jessica Harrison said...

I visited the Prayers, Love, and Joplin blog but I couldn't figure out how to comment. I did become a follower though. What you guys are doing is amazing. We have several things going on here locally for them as well.

D said...

I'm already one of the 1637 FB fans and love to visit all the time!

D said...

God Bless the Joplin victims. That is a devastating tragedy but it seems the baking blogger community is truly their saviors!

Anonymous said...

I just spread the word via FB and Twitter! People better visit...they don't know what they are missing!


Anonymous said...

I have been checking out Prayers, Love and Joplin since I saw your idea on FB! I will participating for sure...what a tragedy!


Shelley said...

I am a FB follower and LOVE your beautiful work!!!!

Shelley said...

I am now a Blogger follower from Miami:)

libbybennett said...

I'm a follower on Facebook and LOVE IT!

libbybennett said...

I shared your link on facebook!

Mia and Deniece, Boulder Creek Cupcakes said...

Love this giveaway! You are super cool for having it ;)

Mia and Deniece, Boulder Creek Cupcakes said...

I also follow you on FB =)

bridge72 said...

What an awesome giveaway!!!! I like you on FB and your work is really stunning and beautiful! Good luck to all but I really hope I win lol!

Michael said...

I'm a facebook fan and I love following you!

dorthea said...

I love your cookies your brush work is unlike any that I have seen. As a stay at home mom with inspirations to create cookies as half as beautiful as yours I hope you pick me lol

Michael said...

Joplin is in my prayers every day-thanks for showing us that we can all help in our own way.

Stephanie said...

This giveaway rocks and so do you! Thanks for the chance.

Michael said...

I'm a follower! Love to see your cookie creations:)

Stephanie said...

and I am your facebook fan! Thanks again!

Stephanie W said...

What an inspiration your cookie experiments are! Thank you for the many lessons learned and I look forward to many more great tips from you!! Thanks a million times over!!

The Sugar Tree said...

I already follow your blog. Page one of my Flipboard.

The Sugar Tree said...

And I follow you on Twitter. :-)

The Sugar Tree said...

And I am a FB fan (as recommended by Callye).

The Sugar Tree said...

And I tweeted this!

Emily said...

Ali-I'm already a fan a FB!

Emily said...

I've emailed this giveaway to everyone I've ever met. Well...not really...but to all the people I have email addresses for. :-)

Emily said...

Love what you're doing for Joplin!

Emily said...

I'm a blog follower! I've been stalking your blog for months now. I guess it's a good time to go public about it. You are so talented and a major inspiration!

Kelly said...

I too am a Fan. I love your edible art. It makes me smile and I spend a lot of time being absorbed by your creativity. Sharing your wealth of talent is such an amazing gift. Thank you for your inspiration and delights. This giveaway it is awesome. Someday I hope to be you!

Stephanie said...

Dear Ali Bee's,

I must be very smart because I already follow you on Facebook and Blogger and I always look forward to new posts with all the new and creative designs. You are a very talented young lady. Pick me, pick me.. my sweet tooth is craving one of those cookies!!!

Anonymous said...

Marjo Brans said: I already am a fb follower and have a subscription on your site, love your ideas, thanks for the chance to winn.

Pam said...

i am a facebook follower you have a great website

Jeanetta DeBusk said...

I have been decorating cookies for about 6 months and love doing it for my friends and family. You are one of my favorite inspirations! Your work is amazing. I have been following you on FB for quite some time and appreciate being able to check out what you are doing anytime. I just returned home from 2 months out of town while my husband had a heart transplant and found that my cookie connections calmed and relaxed me in some stressful situations. Thanks!

Laura L. said...

I became a fan on Facebook! :)


Laura L. said...

I also tweeted about the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog for some time and you are a real inspiration for me. I spent 2 months away from home while my husband had a heart transplant and my favorite "get away" was my cookie friends. Thanks! I love the Ecrandal cutters, I have a few and they are so awesome. Always want more! And any cookie you decorate would be awesome! Thanks again,

Liz said...

I've just stumbled upon your Facebook page/Blog and what a treat! Your cookies are works of art! Look forward to seeing what you make next, and hopefully having a go myself if I'm lucky enough to win your wonderful giveaway!

Jeanetta DeBusk said...

I shared you site with my friends on FB. Thanks,

FromTheHeartsOf said...

I follow you via GFC.

FromTheHeartsOf said...

I 'like' you on fb.

FromTheHeartsOf said...

I continue to pray for Joplin.

Lauren W said...

i "like"....make that LOVE your facebook page. thanks!!!

Lauren said...

i follow your blog!! thanks for everything!!

Lauren said...

i like your facebook page!

Lauren said...

i posted your giveaway on my facebook page!! Hope i win!!! :0

Molly said...

Ali - I love your blog, and have been a follower for awhile now. Your pictures are always so inspiring. Thanks so much for a chance to win such a sweet give-away!!

trina said...

Luv following your blog and now a fan on Facebook :)

Lauren said...

i visited prayes, love and is so wonderful what you guys are doing. love and God's blessings to all!!!

Molly said...

I just checked out your Joplin blog. What a truly thoughtful site you have created. Many thoughts are with the families of Joplin.

Emily said...

I "like" you! Great job!

Emily said...

Liked it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ali,
I'm not on FB, but I would love to participate in this giveaway. Love you cookies, I would like to try them too.
sunnyfarm at inbox dot ru

Anonymous said...

I'm not an official follower (I don't know how to do it), but I read your every post. Today for dinner we are having your Goya Bojo(I found marinade at TJ Maxx) Pork.
sunnyfarm at inbox dot ru

Anonymous said...

I'm not on Tweeter, but I'm gonna tell everybody about your great giveaway.
sunnyfarm at inbox dot ru

Rachel Moss said...

I am now a follower...and your work is awesome!

Rachel Moss said...

I am a FB fan.

dorthea said...

I've been a follower on Facebook, just started following the blog but I show your designs all the time on my page because they are absolutely incredible like I said before I hope to be half as good as you.

Monica Holbert said...

Hi, I am a big fan and now a new follower :) Thanks for the posts, you're a great inspiration to me as a new cookie decorator.

Elizabeth L in Apex, NC said...

I've read your blog daily since I found you anyway, so I am now officially following you!

Elizabeth L in Apex, NC said...

And I "Liked" you on FB!

Elizabeth L in Apex, NC said...

AND I'm putting a link to your blog entry on my FB page!

Elizabeth L in Apex, NC said...

AND And I'm heading to Prayers, Love and Joplin to leave prayers for recovery and peace.

Dallmann's said...

Love, Love, Love, did I mention Love your cookies and designs. Big time fan right here.

Thanks, Heather

The Constant Craver said...

your cookies are gorgeous!! I've spread a tweet and linked to FB :)

The Constant Craver said...

I am now a fan on FB!

The Constant Craver said...

I've even added your feed to my google homepage :)

Your cookies are truly amazing!

Thanks for blogging about them !

proyecto mrt said...

Hi, Ali. I'm María from Spain. I'm really in love with decorated cookies, but it's almost impossible to find some book about it here or beautiful cookie cutters diferent from hearts.

It would be nice to receive an incredible surprise like the things you offer in this post.

Ah, I "liked" you on FB


proyecto mrt said...

Hi, Ali.

I'm Maria from Spain, and I'm in love with your decorated cookies. Here is really difficult to find some book about it, and beautiful cookie cutters don't exist.

It would be really nice to receive a surprise like the things you offer!

I "liked" you on FB.

Regards from Europe!

Laura Trombley said...

I just joined your FB page, and left a comment for you there. As with so many others, I find your decorating so very beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration for this 59 year old 'beginner.' Laura

Tis So Sweet Bake Shoppe said...

I *think* I am smart when it comes to cookie decorating....but it is only because I've been following your blog for a while now! :)
Patti C

Tis So Sweet Bake Shoppe said...

I am now a follower of facebook.
Patti C
(on facebook James Patti Cummings)

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