Let me tell you a tale....
Once upon a time...in a land off Route 66....there was a small but fair kingdom. In this kingdom lived a queen...you might call her the Queen Bee because she loved bees....and baking. She would make her humble cookies, cakes, pies and sweets, and post them to a magical ethereal place called...the internet. And while there were many places her work could be found....There was one ethereal realm....called Facebook...that allowed thousands (let's just say 10,000) people from all over the world to come by and say "what up?".
Once fair day, the Queen thought to herself.... I should thank all those that say such nice things to me...they keep me making cookies.....they make me feel special and loved...
So she cast a proclamation across the lands.....
She would reward one such good person with a bounty of spendiferous treasures.....
Is splendiferous a real word??? Nevermind...it makes no difference in a make believe kingdom....I can make up any word I want...I'm the queen.
It's Give away time!!!
Ahem.... Many shops in the kingdom came forward with lovely things for which the fair queen could bestow.
And this is the part of the story where I tell you what your going to get if you win. :) **joy**
Bake It Pretty
Bake It Pretty has agreed to give away a "surprise package" of cute cupcake liners and paper and baking accessories! I buy liners from Bake it Pretty frequently because:
1. They're beautiful
2. They're grease proof and sturdy.....if you don't believe me check out my Instagram pic...
Yeah,.....that's a chocolate cupcake in a white liner and it's PERFECT.
3. They have great prices
4. They're super nice peeps.
I don't know what's in the box but they assured me it would be an awesome surprise!! So if you win this, you will have to let me know..."WHAT'S IN THE BOX??!!" Because they won't tell me.....it super top secret. Makes me with I could enter just to figure out what they're giving to the winner.
Seriously...you can't say "we will make it a surprise" to me and not expect me to torture myself about it.
Copper Gifts
Copper Gifts is giving away a $50 dollar Gift Card!! You can buy some serious copper with that! I have several Copper Gift Cutters....like the band-aid...and the scalloped shapes....
AND they're located like practically right next door to me in Kansas so....ya know....
ALSO Excellent customer service and very quick shipping! So grateful that they wanted to be so generous!
The Cookie Countess
Hillary aka The Cookie Countess (of the Royal Sugar Court...yeah I just made that up) has graciously said she will give the winner any 2 stencils from her Etsy site of the winners choosing! EEEEEEEK!
Awe man! I just went over there to get a link for her shop and took a look and GEEE she has some AWESOME looking stencils in her shop right now!!
Like Whaaaaaaat?!
If only I didn't have to pay bills....stupid water and electricity....
Oh um... I mean taxes....wait I'm the queen....uh SERVANTS! Yes...if only I didn't have to pay all these servants....
Moving on.
I don't even have any of these yet because she's so dang popular she sells out of the ones I have my eye on all the time. And it's because the stencils are AMAZING!! I'm sure you've seen airbrush stencil backgrounds popping up everywhere...that's her stencils...no joke. You want this!!
Ok if any of you have EVER read like more than 2 posts on my blog you already know how IN LOVE with Ecrandal cutters I am....
I mean really.... check out my latest haul
And that's not even all of them from that shipment... I have more that wouldn't fit in the pic....
You could say I'm an addict. They have the most unique shapes ever..and it's a family run company. Eric and Jaime are TOPS.
No Joke.
Anyway!! They are giving away 2 very special cutters appropriate for the season. The mushroom and an acorn...all made in beautiful pristine shiny copper! :)
**Pssst....go to their Facebook Page and look at the cover photo....those are some mighty pretty dresses....yessir...**
BRP Box Shop
I have been using boxes from BRP ever since I started cookie-ing. Back then they had a smaller selection...some basic bakery boxes (we're talking about from the dawn of cookies....like 5 years ago or something...) but they were the best boxes around at the best prices.
Well here we are now...and it's all changed...
Because they're even better than before!! The range of boxes they have to meet the demands of the cookie community is unmatched!! Why? Because they care. Kip and Connie are super involved with the needs of their customers. They LISTEN and create amazing creations that you could hardly call boxes because they're art! Art meant to package ART!
And can I say generous??! Were any of you fortunate to be present at Cookie Con last year?? I mean...unicycle aside....the amount of free swag they gave away was amazing....
And it's no exception with this giveaway either. They sent me 2 packages....one for me... (because I'm loved...and what can I say?....Momma gets swag) and one for the winner.
I wish you could have seen the faces on me and my husband when we opened that box....it was unreal!! I couldn't even begin to list off or photograph what all was in that box....
But Connie gave it a shot.....let's just say, the winner will be receiving THIS!!
I mean honestly....I don't even think it's all in the pic....it's so many beautiful boxes....
I mean, see those big window boxes in the back?? I like HAVE to make a gingerbread house just to put in that box...seriously.
Karen's Cookies
Ok so I don't think I even really need to go into how awesome Karen and Mike are. I mean...we all know it. They created COOKIE CON for Pete's sake! Not to mention their constant support and generosity to all of us in the cookie community. They have been by our sides from the beginning holding our hand....and inventing the saran wrap trick...
Can't thank them enough for just existing.
And like the generous people they are, they have agreed to give away a gift certificate for $50 to spend at Karen's!
Awesome yes??!
Stock up on your Americolor and exclusive cutters from designers like SugarBelle and Cookie Crazie because it's all there!
Candy House
Ok now, I didn't ask Candy House to donate anything...they are a local business and in support of my local business I will purchase this prize on my own, but I felt that they deserved a spotlight because....
They're just plain awesome.
So A lucky winner will be receiving some treat's from our highly popular local confectionery! The candies and sweets they make here are amazing!!
Perhaps some candy apples is your fancy? Perhaps I will send some truffles or toffee??
I haven't decided yet!!
But sweets there shall be!!
That's a whole lotta stuff!!!
And on top of that I have some stuff of my own I want to give away....I'll just leave it at that for now....but I'll write a post about it later this week. :)
I'll be sending a pretty sizable box to this winner and yes there will ONLY BE ONE WINNER.
Now I know you desperately want to know how you can enter...
Well I'm not going to ask for likes or shares or tweets or anything like that.....I only ask for one thing...
In the kingdom of Ali Bee there has been much stress, anxiety, confusion, turmoil....and a brief war with the spider that was living on my kitchen window sill....from which we prevailed....but not without casualties...like my windowsill basil plant......
What this kingdom needs is a smile.
So tell me a story, a joke, a limerick...leave a smile or a nice comment. And that will warm the hearts of the people of this fair kingdom....and cookies shall rain from the sky....with skittles...because there will be a rainbow my friends and I will taste that rainbow.....
And if you share the same happiness with my allies (that's the folks above giving away the free stuff)....that will surely bring sunshine to all the lands....and unite the kingdoms forever more...and a new reign of peace and prosperity will begin anew!!
I may have been watching a little too much Merlin lately....
Anyway....each nice comment you make counts as another entry...so let me give you an example...
Entry#1 Ali Bee's (on Ali Bee's giveaway right here) - your the most beautiful unicorn in the universe and your poop smells like roses, sprinkles and rainbows.
Entry#2 Ali Bee's (on Ecrandal's Facebook page) You also are the most beautiful unicorn in the universe and your poop smells like roses, sprinkles and rainbows.
See there's two entrys...
And over here on this blog page it will look like this..
Ali Bee: your the most beautiful unicorn in the universe and your poop smells like roses, sprinkles and rainbows.
Ali Bee: Ecrandal
So basically follow this link list:
And leave a message on their pages...then come back and leave a SEPARATE comment for those entries stating for whom you left a nice message for.
Got it??? Good.
The tourney shall last a fortnight!.....no actually the giveaway will last 10 days!! And will end on 10/10/2013 at 10:00PM!!
**See what I did there? with all the 10's? Your nice comment could be to tell me how incredibly clever I am for that.....or not.**
Leave a separate entry for each page you visit....the winner will be chosen at random....probably meaning that I will ask my daughter to pick a number between 1 and whatever and that will be it..
LET THE FATES DECIDE....yes I'm calling my 4 year old the fates...

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 450 Newer› Newest»This is an awesome giveaway. Congrats and many thanks! T
Ali Bee's- you have some serious piping SKILLS! I am in constant awe over here (in a non-crazy way) ;).
Bake it Pretty FB wall post made! Love that page now too! :)
Queen of Bees, I salute thee. Thy cookies and tutorials give the land great pleasure and increased cookie skills. Hail to the Queen!
Comment made on Bake it Pretty FB page!!!!
Bake it Pretty FB post made!
Left a comment on Copper Gifts FB page.
CopperGifts.com CHECK!
Left a comment on ecrandal handmade copper cookie page!
The Cookie Countess - done deal!
ecrandal FB DONE (oh, I love their stuff)!
BRP Box Shop FB comment DONE (and I just got a sample package from them...so in love!)
Karen's Cookies (one of my faves)
Copper Gifts FB wall post done! LOVE them and my prize cutters! :)
Bake it Pretty (Cara Lee-Anne on FB)
Congrats on 10,000!
Posted on Bake It Pretty's page! :)
Posted to Copper Gifts wall! :)
LOVE this giveaway, would LOVE to win and LOVE you too! =)
Posted to The Cookie Countess' wall! :)
Shared the love with Bake it Pretty =)
Posted to Ecrandal's wall! :)
Posted to BRP Box Shop's wall! :)
Popped over to Ecrandal too!
Posted to Karen's Cookies wall! :)
Posted to Candy House's wall! :)
I live close to Joplin so I need to check this great candy shop out!
Love this giveaway and all the creativity it inspires!
Ali Bee, you are too funny :)
I left a comment on Bake It Pretty
Comment left at Bake It Pretty
What do you call a bear with no teeth? -- A gummy bear!
Congrats on your milestone and thank you for a chance at this awesome giveaway!!...m
Posted on Copper Gifts
Posted on The Cookie Countess
Posted on Ecrandal
Posted to BRP Box Shop
left a thank you on Copper gifts....
Posted to Karen's Cookies
Posted to Candy House
left a message for the cookie countess!!
posted on ecrandal's wall
i saw a cute quote today and it made me smile...so hopefully it will give you a chuckle as well. "a good mom lets her kids lick the beaters. a great mom turns the mixer off first"
You already made a nice comment by closing this giveaway on my wedding anniversary-I got married 10/10/10! Winning would be a lovely way to celebrate :)
To the dearest Queen Bee of all, I have left a comment on Bake it Pretty.
Thank you for the awesome give away.. Good Luck everyone!
Left a message on Copper Gifts. Been a long time fan of theirs for many years. :)
Ok, I'll share what made me smile today. My son Connor came home from school with a ditto he had to finish regarding a story they read in class, "The Ant Picnic." The worksheet asked if the child a) liked the story, b)which part was their favorite and c) why. My son's response? "I like stories with cookies. My favorite part was the cookies. Because cookies." Short, snarky and sweet! He really is my son! *sniff* So proud!
I left a message for Ecrandal!
I left a comment for Karen's Cookies!
Have been a fan of the cookie countess for awhile now. love her page. Comment left Queen Ali Bee the fairest in the land of cookies. :)
I left a comment for Bake It Pretty!
I left a comment for Copper Gifts
I left a comment for BRP Box Shop
I left a comment for the Cookie Countess!
I commented on the Candy House page
So glad you sent me over to the wonderful family owned business of Ecrandal. Beautiful cutters. New like for me. :)
Congratulations on your 10k Likes! I've admired your cookie decorating and general baking skills FOREVER!
Oh, and... You're the most beautiful unicorn in the universe and your poop smells like roses, sprinkles and rainbows. Really! :)
I love CopperGifts.com. Beth and all the fair people of CopperGifts.com land know this! :)
Have been a long time fan of BRP boxes, I remember 5 yrs ago what their selection was and they have come along way by listening to their clients. Way to go BRP box shop!! Will be ordering from them this month YEAH!!
I just received eCrandal's KitchenAid mixer cutter and it's awesome! I was very bummed that they moved away from North Carolina but I'm thrilled for their family!
There aren't enough nice words for Karen! Karen's cookies is the BOMB!
Karen's cookies saved me from losing it a couple months ago by getting me my cutters in time to fill a large order. I will forever be grateful and will always order from them.
They are a wonderful company!!
Thank you so much for sending me over to Candy House, a new page to look at all her yummy things.
To the fairest Queen Ali Bee in all of cookie land, I have done as you commanded and alas my fate is now left in your hands your majesty.
I will await the outcome with great anticipation.
Your loyal follower,
Kim :)
I fist visited your Blog thanks to SugarBelle :) then I liked your FB page... Thanks for the giveaway (I can't even imagine being the lucky winner!! - okay, I can), but wanted to say that you are very talented and I also wanted to thank you for introducing me to a few companies I'd never heard of!!
Bake It Pretty
Copper Gifts
The Cookie Countess
BRP Box Shop
Karen's Cookies
Candy House
Sweet Sugarbelle led the way to your kingdom for me, and I haven't left since! I love your cookies, they are amazing!
Left a post on Bake It Pretty.
Posted to Bake It Pretty!
Posted on Copper Gifts.
Left a post on The Cookie Countess.
Left a post on Ecrandal.
Sent some <3 to my favorite box shop, BRP Box Shop!!! Great giveaway, Ali :)
Posted on BRP Box Shop.
Skipped over to Ecrandal to say "hi". Love their cutters, and love you too :)
Posted on Karen's Cookies.
Posted on Candy House.
What an AWESOME Giveaway! You Rock!
PS> I wish my poop smelled like roses, sprinkles and rainbows. Alas, I am not the Queen! hahaha, you made me laugh at that line. Congrats on 10,ooo facebook fans!
The story doth continues on each site so named. Queen Ali Bee and The Fates live on…
This was great fun! Thank you!
I have began my nice comment rampage with Bake it Pretty. Through my page "I Make My Friends Fat"...and now I continue on my journey.
And now, Copper Gifts...tis the season to be jolly? :)
The Cookie Countess has heard from me! And the rest will have to wait until tomorrow, this kindness thing is making me tired! :P
Oh, and have I mentioned how absolutely fantastic you are, Ali Bee? I baked up butterflies to try your pumpkin wagon (but I don't have one of the tips...yet) Your tutorials are fantastic, and your cookies are to die for. Teach me your ways. I still ooooo and ahhh over your snowy tree and Christmas cookies!
Wow wow wow! What an amazing giveaway! So many fantastic vendors!! Love love love!
Posted on Bake it Pretty!
Posted on Copper Gifts"
Posted on Cookie Countess!
Posted on Ecrandal :)
Posted on BRP Box Shop, they have the best boxes
Posted on Karen's Cookies! They are awesome. If it weren't for Karen I never would have started baking the way I do now and creating awesome treats. Love her!
Love this Giveaway!!!! Love decorating for family & friends
BRP Box shop FB post done!!!!
Posted on Karen's Cookies FB page too!
Posted on Candy House FB page.
Love the creativity of your post. Love your willingness to continuously share with the cookiers everywhere.
Don't you just love all Bake It Pretty's pink icing?
Copper Gifts has a really neat bat cutter!
The Cookie Countess is always posting some creative cookies.
Ecrandal is a favorite page to follow. Have you seen the patch work candy corn cookie?
BRP's custom boxes are awesome. Have you seen the peek a boo pumpkin one?
Karen's Cookies has great customer service with prompt deliveries -- and always a little sprinkle surprise tucked inside.
Candy House Gourmet is a new introduction for me. Thanks QAB!
OH my! Your blog had me and my children in Stitches! Love your Blog! Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for the chance to win such great prizes from such great companies!! :)
Bake it Pretty :)
Copper Gifts :)
The Cookie Countess :)
BRP Box Shop :)
Karen's Cookies :)
Candy House :)
This is an amazing giveaway and part of why I love the cookie community! I don't think other communities are as thoughtful and involved as others! Thank you!
Posted on Bake it Pretty!
Gorgeous liners - I can't wait to try some out!
Posted with CopperGifts! Beautiful cutters!!
Posted with the Cookie Countess! Never tried a stencil before! :)
I Posted on BRP box shop! I've been wanting to try them for so long!
Posted at Karen's cookies! I've been shopping there for a while, love to peruse there new cutters!
posted on Ecrandal! I honestly couldn't even imagine winning the wonderful things in this giveaway.
Posted on BRP Box Shop. Who knew boxes could be so incredible?
Posted on Karen's Cookies! Although, I've been a fan for awhile!
Love Bake it Pretty!
I love my lingerie cutter I bought from Copper Cutter a few years ago.
Just said something sweet (literally) on Bake It Pretty's FB Page. This is fun! LisaMarie Jenssen
Posted to Candy House Gourmet... How can you go wrong with someone who loves chocolates!!
I love The Cookie Countesses Stencils!
I study your cursive writing tutorial like it's my JOB. I love that not only are your descriptions clear, but your steps are full of pictures! :)
I just visited Copper Gifts, I love their cutters but have not yet invested, and I would love to start (by winning!) LOL!
I love Ecrandals Cutters!!
I just posted on The Cookie Countess' page on FB. I have liked her page for awhile, all this got me thinking about how sweet cookier and cakers are, I think it's all the sugar we are around! LOL!
BRP boxes are incredible!
I have been buying my cutters from Karen's Cookies for years.
Wow, thank you for sending me to BRP Box Shop - that is a cool site, and I left a nice message. I had no idea there were boxes quite like that out there, I was very impressed.
I visited the Candy House. Look forward to ordering from them in the future
Just let Kern's Cookies know how much I love their sprinkle surprises in my shipment....
Oh my, now that I have seen the Candy House's page, I REALLY want to win!!! Yummmmmm!!!
I don't bake anything fancy ever, but this prize package sure makes me want to start!!!! I love following your blog and seeing the fun, yummy designs you come up with.
What a wonderful opportunity and just in time for the holiday season. I just love all your creations, they are all so beautiful. I've learned so much from this site and look forward to learning more. Thank you and Happy 1000 .:)
Sar Tann FB
Left a message for Bake it Pretty. What a great wed site can't wait to place my first order.
Love your cookies!
garynonnemacher @ comcast. net
OK, you asked for a limerick, you get a limerick! I wrote this when I was about 10, and I think I remember it because it was published in our school paper and my mom proudly hung it on our kitchen bulletin board, where it stayed for probably 10 years....
There was an old woman of Marp
Who ate too many portions of carp
Once she added liverwurst
Which was why she burst
Silly person, that old woman of Marp!
Totally awesome giveaway, by the way! :)
What an amazing giveaway! Thank you for everything Ali - your creativity, your generosity, and sweet personality! :)
Karen's cookies CHECK! Love, love their products and customer service.
Ecrandal CHECK!
Bake it Pretty
Copper gifts CHECK!
Candy House CHECK!
The Cookie Countess Check!
left a comment on The Cookie Countess
Queen Bee, you crack me up! Loving this giveaway!!!
Bake it pretty!
Copper gifts!
The cookie countess!
BRP Box Shop!
Karen's cookies!!!!
Candy house!
Bake it Pretty comment: Life is always better when you Bake it Pretty
Coppergifts comment:
I love Copper...it is always so shiny and pretty (-:
Cookie Countess:
Your Panda cookies make me think I am in China...they are just awesome!!
ECRANDAL...You have gorgeous cutters!!
BRP Box Shop:
I love your new Halloween boxes!!
Candy House: Your caramel apples look YUMMY!!
Karen's Cookies:
I have been a fan for a long long time and love everything I have ever ordered from you!! You are simply the best!!
I hope I understood what you wanted us to do...lol!! Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to win such awesome prizes!!
Wow what a great giveaway! You obviously love us all just as much as we love you!
Ali Bee, you are the fairest maiden in all of Cookie Land . . . FB message left on Karen's Cookies.
FB message left on Ecrandal
FB message left for the Cookie Countess!
FB message for Bake It Pretty!
Copper Gifts!
BRP Box Shop!
Candy House Gourmet! Yum! Thanks for the give away, Ali!
You are as lovely as a springtime platypus lounging in the sun.
Left a comment on Bake it Pretty FB.
Left a comment for Cookie Countess on FB
left a comment for Karen's Cookies on FB
Copper gifts comment done!
BRP box shop done (and told them I just ordered from them yesterday!)
Ecrandl done too
Annnnd the Candy House, because there's always room for candy...and sprinkles...and unicorn princesses made of cotton candy and Hershey's kisses.
Your cookies are awesome. Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway. :)
lucky i was sitting whilst reading this post,
because if not i wouldve fainted, almost,
you are all the way on top,
ali bees ROCKS!!!
lol, seriously AWESOME giveaway!!! hope i win!!!
Gave love to Bake it Pretty.
Gave love to bake it pretty.
Left a message on copper gifts
Gave love to The Cookie Countess.
Left love on Ecrandal.
Found you via BRP Box. Love them too! You are pretty funny and clever. can't wait to keep on reading!
And one for Bake It Pretty!
And copper gifts!
Hail to the Queen Bee! You are so creative and thanks for sharing with us commoners! ;o)
showed some cookie countess love! her stencils are amazeballs!
Left love on BRP Box Shop.
loved ecrandl! so vintagey and fab the copper cutters!
already had much love for BRP but i showed them some more. There the only peeps I'd use for Makin' Whoopie's packaging!
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