I am a stay at home mom, wife, cookie maker, and domestic goddess (so I like to believe...but I know I'm not....just don't burst the bubble....)
A little about me:
I grew up in Texas. Texas is my motherland. Enough said about that. No matter where I roam, Texas will always be in my heart and engrained into my being. I attended Baylor University in Waco, TX (when all of our athletics stunk) and studied Nutrition and Food Science. There I met this gorgeous man that would YEARS later become my husband and father to my current and future children. After college I moved to Dallas where I worked as a Personal Trainer and spent many a rambunctious evening experiencing youth and the night life with my best friend Kim. Much shenanigans and tom foolery....
But yes, the love bug lured me happily into marriage. I married my handsome hubby in Houston and promptly moved to Virginia, right outside DC. Virginia is beautiful.....very beautiful, but it isn't Texas, so we moved back to Dallas, Texas when I was 8 months pregnant. We had our beautiful baby girl, and then 2 years later we moved to Missouri. Joplin, Missouri -3 months post tornado - in to a damaged home that we renovated and made our own. And here is where I live, surrounded by my in-laws on the edge of a cute, historic and friendly town.
I started this blog in late 2008 due to the incessant nagging of my mother. They always say mother knows best...you would think that in my 20's I would have learned that lesson... Anyway, I started blogging, talking about nothing really. I was a new mom and had only even heard of the blogging world maybe 2 months before I decided to launch my own. So I was basically clueless...
But eventually I found cookies, and then I suddenly had something to write about. And soon after I was so busy with cookies that I didn't have time to write at all!!!
How did I get into cookies? Well, a friend of mine was having a bachelorette party in New Orleans. I was going to make cupcakes, but the maid of honor really wanted to make cupcakes, so I opted to make something different. I always thought sugar cookies were impossible. But I was in need of something edible and festive that would travel. So I Googled. Google is my boyfriend. And found a small handful of sites that had tips and tutorials. Cookies weren't as big then you know.... Anyway, I gave it a shot. And got hooked. And I've never stopped.
Since moving to Missouri I have had to stop selling cookies due to the way the laws are set up in my county. (And really y'all I am ok with it!!) But I could never give up cookies. Over the years I have learned some valuable cookie lessons the hard way and this is the place where I want to share these lessons with you. I'm not all about cookies tho. My first love (outside God and my family) is food. Second is makeup...but that's a whole different blog. Don't be surprised if you see a random photo, or rant, or recipe that's completely un-cookie related.
So please, read, subscribe, enjoy. :)

I do not take cookie orders at this time. :(
But I am available to answer questions or simply have a chat any time (or whenever I get a minute away from being a domestic goddess...)
Please direct all questions or private comments to alibeesbakeshop@gmail.com and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can.