Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ramblings: Pregnancy Insomnia

For the last 2 or 3 weeks all I can think about is how dang tired I am.  I mean, can't stay awake.  Asleep before my husband and daughter...needing afternoon naps...just drained.  Like the first trimester returned coupled with kicks to my internal organs...including my suddenly nauseous stomach.

But tonight....man.  I can not wind down.  Hubs fell asleep about 3 (maybe 4) hours ago.

In those 3 hours I have:

-Eaten about 3 slices of banana cake.  I'm estimating because I sort of destroyed it this afternoon packaging up most of it to take to my hubs shop.  I basically strolled out into the kitchen at midnight and ate the scraps off the cake plate with my hands.  It was like carnage.  A wild woman, with fresh kill.....

Did I mention I can really eat lately??  I mean really eat.  My husband gave me the last 2 pot stickers tonight (we usually split them) saying something about how I probably want them more than he does...  But there was fear and horror in his eyes.

- Oiled my belly (no new stretch marks so far!  yay!)

-Watched the alien in my tummy create warped waves in my abdomen.  Think he might be turning...hopefully head down.....  That or practicing for future sky diving acrobatics.....

- Played a couple rounds of Bingo Bash on my Ipad.  You can only play a couple rounds before you run out of chips....and I refuse to pay real money to play a bingo app....  Yes, I am an old lady who enjoys a good game of bingo.... judge away.

- Read a few blogs.  Had a few laughs.

- Watched a couple sappy Valentine's movies on Netflix.  I have no idea why I'm "girling out" lately.  All I have wanted to watch is salacious television and sappy chick flicks.  It's really not like me at all.

-Ate some cheese.

Anyway....I guess I'm just up.  And thinking.  Maybe because it's getting closer to baby time.  I decided to thumb through my phone at some old pics.  I mean 4+ years worth of photos.  Reminiscing about where I was, who I was, around this time with Sophie on the way.

8 months pregnant with Sophie.  Don't you just love my "I'm 26 and all into bathroom mirror Iphone photography" pic?  I was the master at bathroom mirror phone photos make no mistake....

Sophie's Nursery.  My mom sewed all the crib bedding (well except for the sheet).  The canopy and all.  And no, I didn't let her sleep in the crib with all the pillows, and I took the canopy down.  But I really wanted it to look super pretty before she arrived.

She still uses the same bed and bedding that's on the twin bed.  It's classic y'all.

Baby girl.  All cute and pink and healthy.  2008

I don't know that he's ever slept this well since....

It all goes so fast!

Ah just stuff....and memories.  Maybe I'm just getting anxious because I have like 6 weeks left (or so).  Maybe I just feel completely unprepared.  Or totally ready. Or both.

Either way I need some SLEEP!  Elusive sleep.....

Maybe I should watch a good old black and white that I've seen a million times and play a round of solitaire or two.  That should work....I hope.


  1. Haha you're writing made me smile :D couldn't sleep eather but that's because I received a bad grade and didn't expected it..


  2. I have 112 cookies staring at me that have to be outlined tonight, but I saw your post and that you're still up like me and just had to read it. Your little daughter is adorable and your son will be too. It's all a very exciting time and thus you can't sleep. Yes, watch a black and white movie. Snuggle up in a warm blanket and enjoy some quiet time before the newborn comes. Hugs, Cristin of Cristin's Cookies

  3. wish you and your growing family all the best

  4. this time may be dragging by, but one morning you'll wake up to an empty house and wonder where that time went. Deep breaths....it'll be here before you know it. And you know there is a huge group of night peeps online, "YOU are not alone!!" LOL Good luck Ali!

  5. I love how all of us who have children have adorable pictures of our hubbies holding our newborns - both fast asleep - as if our hubbies just worked so hard! ha ha

  6. You're growing a person. You're supposed to be tired. Sleep it up!

  7. You are too funny. How are you doing? When are you due? I am so happy for y'all. Tell everyone I said hi. Hope to see y'all soon.


  8. Okay, gosh....you are precious. I'm tearing up just reading this and I'm pre-Menopausal for goodness sake....but it's a beautiful time in your life with so many memories left to make. I think I'm a little jealous that those days are over (I hope!) for me. And honestly, I'm a little scared that you'll be so busy with your precious new baby that we'll never hear from you again! You must think of us as your middle (and most needy!) child. Get your rest Ali, bring that beautiful new boy safely into this crazy world and come back to us when you are ready. Godspeed! (and lots of good snacks too!) x0
