Monday, January 28, 2013

Wild Valentine

Sorry for disappearing for a week or two.  The WHOLE HOUSE came down with the sniffly drainy crud!  And my poor daughter came down with an ear infection in both ears. :(

But I'm feeling better.  Well enough anyway to post some cookies.

There's not too much to say about these really.  I did some basic base icing on most of them, and then hand painted with airbrush colors.  The roses are piped. Nothing too new or exciting.  I did roses like these forever ago... and the rest was really just kind of play time.  But I thought they turned out cute.  The zebra was inspired by my Christmas wrapping paper this year.... :)

Well, this week, I have the painter coming to start on the nursery trim and bookcases.  I was gonna do it myself but there was some crazy looks from the guys at the paint place...something about fumes..blah blah blah....  Anyway I conceded my super crazy control freak ways and decided sure, I'll hire someone.  Some men sure can whine about a pregnant lady doing a little DIY.

Anyway, you might be interested in seeing the before and after and the progress...or not...but I think I might post a little bit of it here and there....just in case you wanna peeksie into the nursery.  If you don't follow me on Pinterest, or if you do, I have an inspiration board on there for the nursery.  To give you an idea of what I'm thinking... anyway, I'm excited about it.  Mom is coming next week to help me finish it so... :)  Getting closer folks!

I go to the doctor Wednesday for my last ultrasound before the big day.  I'm excited.....but nervous.  Nervous because I have this irrational hormonal fear that they will say "oops!  Our bad, your having a girl...."

That would not be a cool thing to do to a woman who just ordered nursery wallpaper.....

Anyway, how ya liking the cookies and the rambling post that has absolutely nothing to do with them??

Fun huh?

I'll be back later this week.  Hopefully with something more fun...and maybe something to talk about that actually has something to do with cookies...or something you can eat at least...


  1. Very pretty! I sure hope they don't change their mind about what you are having!! No pregnant woman should have to return wallpaper ;)

  2. How gorgeous are those flowers?! Love this set! Angela

  3. Very cute! And I've heard if they're much less likely to be wrong if they say it's a boy than if they say it's a girl, so I think you should be ok. And I didn't know you are having a boy. Congratulations!
