Ok this is probably wholly unrelated to cookies but I thought I would share. It's January which means it's that time again! New years resolutions....ugh.
Now, I know that a very long time ago I talked about how I was going to go on a quest to lose weight but nothing really happened... since then a few things have happened:
1. Texas instated the cottage food law and business EXPLODED. Combined with my husbands sudden unemployment (don't worry he is gainfully employed now) - any "me time" went straight out the window.
2. We moved, and remodeled a tornado damaged house. Eating take-out for weeks? No thank you scale....
3. Since we moved, to Missouri, who has a cottage food law (run by county and not state)....we come to find that the county we live in doesn't allow home bakeries....bummer.
4. I quit selling cookies....that's right, I don't sell. Sorry. Take it up with Jasper county. Tho, I totally understand their laws and the reasoning behind them. And no, the health department didn't shut me down. I quit selling once we moved. I sure don't want to settle in to a new town and get on the wrong side of the law.
5. Sophie started pre pre-school. It's just two days a week for a couple hours...but she LOVES it. She told me yesterday that she wants to go to school 3 times a week instead of two. Cute kid. :)
6. I suddenly have "me time" again for the first time in years....
So I really have run out of excuses....