Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Gothic Halloween
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
ali bee's bake shop,
Oh Sugar Events,
ribbon roses,
royal icing
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Chocolate and White Halloween
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
I really don't enjoy black icing.
I just don't. So I try and use it as sparingly as humanly possible.
Well during my design session for this years Halloween cookies, I noticed quite a few designs that required black icing....and we're talking lots of black......
Me no likey that....
So here's what I did instead
Right so it's not exactly black but the general point is made. And the best part about only have to mix one icing color. If that. It's just white. White icing on chocolate cookies.
Now I suppose I could have added more cocoa or a little bit of Americolor black to the dough to make it darker....yes, that would have been nice looking. But I didn't....because I didn't think of it till after I baked them. Crikey.
But still....for some fast and easy cookies...not too shabby. I used a little bit of Americolor black mixed with some water and painted on my remaining details. These were seriously fast...and fun too!! I even put a little sanding sugar on my ghost and moon.
I will be posting the last of my Halloween cookies tomorrow...on Halloween. Seems fitting.
Till tomorrow!!!

ali bee's bake shop,
jack o lantern,
royal icing,
Sweet Halloween
Ok, so I am arriving SO last minute to the Halloween Party this year.
Truth is, I've been so busy nesting for baby and getting ready for my big trip to Cookie Con, I've fallen a little behind.
made like 5 different sets of Halloween designs and only finished 3. Perhaps I can still re purpose some of them. Or possibly post them late? Dunno. Haven't figured it out yet.
Anywho... here's a quick little set I made for the kiddies.
Nothing fancy or WOW about them. But cute and fun all the same. All made with a little candy cutter.
I do have to say, I am SUPER excited and SUPER nervous about Cookie Con this year.
I'm teaching a class.....scary I know. Now there is some REAL Halloween terror for you right there.
But I'm also really looking forward to seeing my cookie friends, and I know it's going to be a whole lot of fun.
I might post my teaching project and some pics of Cookie Con when I get back. Perhaps a few tutorials of what I am teaching for those who are unable to make it this year. It's all up in the air. I dunno...
Anyway, I will probably have another post today....maybe two more...because I have 2 more sets to show you. And I was hoping to have a tutorial for one of them but I don't know that I'm going to be able to get to it. Boo....
Tell then.....!
Truth is, I've been so busy nesting for baby and getting ready for my big trip to Cookie Con, I've fallen a little behind.
made like 5 different sets of Halloween designs and only finished 3. Perhaps I can still re purpose some of them. Or possibly post them late? Dunno. Haven't figured it out yet.
Anywho... here's a quick little set I made for the kiddies.
Nothing fancy or WOW about them. But cute and fun all the same. All made with a little candy cutter.
I do have to say, I am SUPER excited and SUPER nervous about Cookie Con this year.
I'm teaching a class.....scary I know. Now there is some REAL Halloween terror for you right there.
But I'm also really looking forward to seeing my cookie friends, and I know it's going to be a whole lot of fun.
I might post my teaching project and some pics of Cookie Con when I get back. Perhaps a few tutorials of what I am teaching for those who are unable to make it this year. It's all up in the air. I dunno...
Anyway, I will probably have another post today....maybe two more...because I have 2 more sets to show you. And I was hoping to have a tutorial for one of them but I don't know that I'm going to be able to get to it. Boo....
Tell then.....!

ali bee's bake shop,
candy corn,
decorated cookie,
royal icing,
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
WFD?: Almost Grandpa's Apple Cake
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
My whole family is from Georgia. But when I was 8 we moved to Texas and my grandma left her home in Albany and followed us. So basically I'm a Texan.
So when I was little, my grandpa used to come visit us in Texas for the holidays. He would leave Georgia right after pecan harvest season. And when he would visit he would bring pecans, peanuts and all these fresh ingredients from the farms. I have a lot of fond memories of him. We would do jigsaw puzzles together in the afternoon. He had an infectious laugh. Sun tea and pumpkin pie were some of his his favorites. He made the best Mayhaw jelly....
Anyway, every season when he would visit, there was always apple cake. It was my favorite. I snacked on it every second I could. And since he passed over 10 years ago, there has been no apple cake. I miss the apple cake. Every year around the change of the seasons, I start to think of him. Grandpa and apple cake.
So when I was little, my grandpa used to come visit us in Texas for the holidays. He would leave Georgia right after pecan harvest season. And when he would visit he would bring pecans, peanuts and all these fresh ingredients from the farms. I have a lot of fond memories of him. We would do jigsaw puzzles together in the afternoon. He had an infectious laugh. Sun tea and pumpkin pie were some of his his favorites. He made the best Mayhaw jelly....
Anyway, every season when he would visit, there was always apple cake. It was my favorite. I snacked on it every second I could. And since he passed over 10 years ago, there has been no apple cake. I miss the apple cake. Every year around the change of the seasons, I start to think of him. Grandpa and apple cake.
On Grandma's milk appropriate :)
ali bee's bake shop,
best apple cake,
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
WFD?: Decadent Double Chocolate Cake
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Seriously, this is the best chocolate cake in the history of the world. I'm not even making that up. Would I fib to you??
No, I wouldn't. Mamma didn't raise that kind of girl.
It's perfect for a chocolate craving, a family function, just because.... pregnancy induced hormonal meltdowns.....
Friday, October 5, 2012
Tutorial: Stacked Pumpkins
Friday, October 5, 2012
ali bee's bake shop,
decorated cookie,
how to,
royal icing,
Sweet Sugar Belle,
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
WFD?: Spiced Pumpkin "Muffin Cakes" with Cream Cheese Butter Cream and Salted Caramel
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
"Muffin cake": A term made up by me, just now, that describes a cupcake that is mixed like a muffin. Which would technically make it more of a muffin, but it's very cake like in texture....and there's frosting so ya know...
Makes sense to me.
Lot's of parts to this "muffin cake", which should prove to be a rather long recipe packed post. :)
So let's get right to it shall we??
Yes...yes we shall....
Ok then...
ali bee's bake shop,
butter cream,
cream cheese,
muffin cake,
salted caramel,
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
**Ok, well if your a friend of mine on Facebook this might not be such a surprise.... but I'm getting ahead of myself....**
You may have noticed my absence....or maybe not. I'm not THAT important...just saying...I've been fairly unparticipative on the inter-web for the last...uh...4...5 months?? I have valid reasons....I think so anyway.
Firstly, and probably the most influential reason, is that my computer bit the dust. I mean crash and burn. Crash being that I was carrying it and tripped...*crash*. I had a small service. There were a few attendants...ok, so my husband and me really.... and that's only because I dragged him to the living room to pay his respects before it was shelved. Shelved with all of my data trapped inside....*sigh*...sorry, it's still a little rough.
I'll be fine...
Anyway, without the good old technology, posting was well.....difficult. So that's that.
On happier notes...a lot of good stuff has been going on since I rejoined the living here in the real world (where I tell people I run a cookie decorating blog - "I decorate cookies" - and they look at me very perplexed...."You do what?"). August has been birthday month. My birthday was on the 14th. The big 3-0.
30.....I don't want to talk about it....
But it was also my grandma's 75th birthday and she was here to celebrate with me in Joplin :) Not to mention my sister in law and my father in was their birthdays in August too. So basically it's been a month long party.
I'm tired....and fatter.
Birthday present: a new computer....yay!!!! So it took a little while to catch up with everything I missed and get back in the swing of things. Get all the work uploaded and edited that I have been making over the last who knows how long.... But basically, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm caught up (as best I can) and I should be back to regular posting.
And you know, life isn't all about cookies and food (blasphemy!!!)
....look what else happened while I was busy living...
( this is the surprise ).....on the way...
We're due in March 2013 with kiddo #2! :)

You may have noticed my absence....or maybe not. I'm not THAT important...just saying...I've been fairly unparticipative on the inter-web for the last...uh...4...5 months?? I have valid reasons....I think so anyway.
Firstly, and probably the most influential reason, is that my computer bit the dust. I mean crash and burn. Crash being that I was carrying it and tripped...*crash*. I had a small service. There were a few attendants...ok, so my husband and me really.... and that's only because I dragged him to the living room to pay his respects before it was shelved. Shelved with all of my data trapped inside....*sigh*...sorry, it's still a little rough.
I'll be fine...
Anyway, without the good old technology, posting was well.....difficult. So that's that.
On happier notes...a lot of good stuff has been going on since I rejoined the living here in the real world (where I tell people I run a cookie decorating blog - "I decorate cookies" - and they look at me very perplexed...."You do what?"). August has been birthday month. My birthday was on the 14th. The big 3-0.
30.....I don't want to talk about it....
But it was also my grandma's 75th birthday and she was here to celebrate with me in Joplin :) Not to mention my sister in law and my father in was their birthdays in August too. So basically it's been a month long party.
I'm tired....and fatter.
Birthday present: a new computer....yay!!!! So it took a little while to catch up with everything I missed and get back in the swing of things. Get all the work uploaded and edited that I have been making over the last who knows how long.... But basically, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm caught up (as best I can) and I should be back to regular posting.
And you know, life isn't all about cookies and food (blasphemy!!!)
....look what else happened while I was busy living...
( this is the surprise ).....on the way...

ali bee's bake shop,
royal icing,
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