My tutorial for brush embroidery was featured on University of Cookie!
If you aren't familiar with University of Cookie you should really go check it out! They have a wide variety of awesome tutorials for cookie decorating.
Thanks for the feature Bridget! :)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Ali Bee's Bake Shop GIVE-A-WAY! **Winner Announced**
Friday, March 11, 2011
So I missed my one year blog-a-versary...Just kind of zipped on by unnoticed by me. *I have already mentioned that I'm a terrible blogger haven't I? Did you miss that? I'm a terrible blogger.....*
However, I am an excellent Facebook-er! :) I am in with Facebook. Facebook and I are like *that*. Didn't know I was on Facebook? Look to the, your other right...yeah that one....see it? I have a Facebook link. Click it, do it, you know you want to, everyone else is doing it. No really....
Ali Bee's Bake Shop has surpassed the big 500 mark!! AMAZED!?! Yeah, I am too. :)
I am actually very honored and humbled beyond expression.
Ok so I guess I can express it to an extent. But to show my overwhelming gratitude for the support of wonderful people, most of which I have never even met, and in lieu of my missed Blog-a-versary, I hereby issue a proclamation....
The FIRST Official Ali Bee's Bake Shop Cookie Give-A-Way!!!
That's right, one dozen cookies of YOUR CHOICE**. All for one lucky winner. (And yes, that includes any custom order....just in case you need pig cookies, or flower cookies, or say, I dunno, Dr. Who cookies...whatever).
How do I win you ask? It's easy....There are four chances to enter.
STEP 1!! - Follow the blog. If you don't already follow it. Click the button! It's painless (nearly) I promise. The leave a comment telling me you now follow me. I welcome stalkers. If you already track my every baking movement, leave a comment telling me that you are already an Ali Bee Zombie. That is entry ONE!
STEP 2!! - Become a fan on Facebook. Just press "Like". You do like me don't you? I like one really has to know. We'll keep it our little secret. Then come back here and leave a comment telling me that you "Like" me. If you are already a Facebook fan then don't be shy, tell me that you "Like" me in a comment here on this blog post. That counts as entry number TWO! If you feel like an easy THIRD entry comment on a cookie (or cake or whatever) design that you like on the FB page. Then come back and leave a comment that you commented....I love comments.
STEP 3!! - Blog or tweet about the Give-A-Way! Tweeting is super will take you like a microsecond....easy peasy entry number FOUR!
SUPER SIMPLE! :) That is 4 ways to enter. Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
Contest ends 11:59 PM CST on Thursday, March 17!!
**As Ali Bee's Bake Shop is booked up for the remainder of March, please be advised that you will not be able to receive your order till April 8th at the earliest....but hey, they're free cookies....:) **
YAY!! Over 500 FB fans!! I am so WOWED!!
Yay! We have a winner!!

steffie said...
March 13, 2011 6:22 PM
Congratulations Steffie! I will be emailing you today!!
Thank you everyone who participating!! This was the best Give-A-Way so far!! :)
However, I am an excellent Facebook-er! :) I am in with Facebook. Facebook and I are like *that*. Didn't know I was on Facebook? Look to the, your other right...yeah that one....see it? I have a Facebook link. Click it, do it, you know you want to, everyone else is doing it. No really....
Ali Bee's Bake Shop has surpassed the big 500 mark!! AMAZED!?! Yeah, I am too. :)
I am actually very honored and humbled beyond expression.
Ok so I guess I can express it to an extent. But to show my overwhelming gratitude for the support of wonderful people, most of which I have never even met, and in lieu of my missed Blog-a-versary, I hereby issue a proclamation....
The FIRST Official Ali Bee's Bake Shop Cookie Give-A-Way!!!
That's right, one dozen cookies of YOUR CHOICE**. All for one lucky winner. (And yes, that includes any custom order....just in case you need pig cookies, or flower cookies, or say, I dunno, Dr. Who cookies...whatever).
How do I win you ask? It's easy....There are four chances to enter.
STEP 1!! - Follow the blog. If you don't already follow it. Click the button! It's painless (nearly) I promise. The leave a comment telling me you now follow me. I welcome stalkers. If you already track my every baking movement, leave a comment telling me that you are already an Ali Bee Zombie. That is entry ONE!
STEP 2!! - Become a fan on Facebook. Just press "Like". You do like me don't you? I like one really has to know. We'll keep it our little secret. Then come back here and leave a comment telling me that you "Like" me. If you are already a Facebook fan then don't be shy, tell me that you "Like" me in a comment here on this blog post. That counts as entry number TWO! If you feel like an easy THIRD entry comment on a cookie (or cake or whatever) design that you like on the FB page. Then come back and leave a comment that you commented....I love comments.
STEP 3!! - Blog or tweet about the Give-A-Way! Tweeting is super will take you like a microsecond....easy peasy entry number FOUR!
SUPER SIMPLE! :) That is 4 ways to enter. Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
Contest ends 11:59 PM CST on Thursday, March 17!!
**As Ali Bee's Bake Shop is booked up for the remainder of March, please be advised that you will not be able to receive your order till April 8th at the earliest....but hey, they're free cookies....:) **
YAY!! Over 500 FB fans!! I am so WOWED!!
Yay! We have a winner!!

i am a new follower!!! yeah! steph at
Congratulations Steffie! I will be emailing you today!!
Thank you everyone who participating!! This was the best Give-A-Way so far!! :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
So I really miss my best friend. She left for SC to complete her masters in Technical Writing at Clemson. It's been a while since she's been gone. (Reference: The Peacock Party).
Anyway, I decided to send her some cookies because I can. And dangit, that's what friends do...
Anyway, I decided to send her some cookies because I can. And dangit, that's what friends do...
I was inspired by one of my daughters outfits. The colors and the fabric roses...seemed like a great cookie combination. So I made these and shipped them off just in time for Single Awareness Day (as she puts it).
They were simple to make but I think they turned out quite well. Did a little creative cutting to get the flower shape I was looking for. I will have to remember to keep looking outside the cutter.... :)
Coming up...
I am a terrible blogger. Just want to get that out in the open. I don't mean to neglect you all but I have such a hard time sitting down and typing! Mostly because I try to keep my mind as blank as possible. Makes life simpler...haha! JK...sorta
Anyway I thought I would let you all know what I have planned in the coming months.
I have tons of cookie pics to post. And some cake pics (I'm trying with the cakes but I think we can all agree it isn't exactly my forte...tho no one ever got anywhere without trying)
A few party pics, perhaps.
On April 22 I will be guest posting on Frosting for the Cause.....very cool
Oh, and this month I will be going to SC to visit my bestest friend in the whole world. So you might end up with some shopping narratives or foodie pix, what have you.
Anything else? I'm open to suggestions...
Ah well. I better get to uploading those cookie pics before I become swamped with them!!
I am a terrible blogger. Just want to get that out in the open. I don't mean to neglect you all but I have such a hard time sitting down and typing! Mostly because I try to keep my mind as blank as possible. Makes life simpler...haha! JK...sorta
Anyway I thought I would let you all know what I have planned in the coming months.
I have tons of cookie pics to post. And some cake pics (I'm trying with the cakes but I think we can all agree it isn't exactly my forte...tho no one ever got anywhere without trying)
A few party pics, perhaps.
On April 22 I will be guest posting on Frosting for the Cause.....very cool
Oh, and this month I will be going to SC to visit my bestest friend in the whole world. So you might end up with some shopping narratives or foodie pix, what have you.
Anything else? I'm open to suggestions...
Ah well. I better get to uploading those cookie pics before I become swamped with them!!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Deep In the Heart of Texas
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The stars at night - are big and bright
Deep in the heart of Texas.
The prairie sky - is wide and high
Deep in the heart of Texas.
The sage in bloom - is like perfume
Deep in the heart of Texas.
Reminds me of - the one I love
Deep in the heart of Texas.....
Anyone who has ever grown up in a Texas public school knows this song....feel free to add your own *clap clap clap clap* know where.
It's Texas Independence Day today!
And it's also Dr. Seuss's birthday. Happy birthday Doc. I didn't make any Dr. Seuss cookies. Love him, but I'm a busy girl and my loyalties lie with the Lone Star State. I have my priorities... :)
If you're jonesin' for some awesome Dr. Seuss cookies tho...please visit my friends:
Sweet Sugar Belle
The Painted Cookie
Whimsy Cookie Co.
Just to name a few....
In fact, If you have any Dr. Seuss or Texas related cookies or cakes...or well, ANYTHING, I invite you to link back! Please do share your wonderful creations with me today :)
God Bless Texas Y'all
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