However, I am an excellent Facebook-er! :) I am in with Facebook. Facebook and I are like *that*. Didn't know I was on Facebook? Look to the, your other right...yeah that one....see it? I have a Facebook link. Click it, do it, you know you want to, everyone else is doing it. No really....
Ali Bee's Bake Shop has surpassed the big 500 mark!! AMAZED!?! Yeah, I am too. :)
I am actually very honored and humbled beyond expression.
Ok so I guess I can express it to an extent. But to show my overwhelming gratitude for the support of wonderful people, most of which I have never even met, and in lieu of my missed Blog-a-versary, I hereby issue a proclamation....
The FIRST Official Ali Bee's Bake Shop Cookie Give-A-Way!!!
That's right, one dozen cookies of YOUR CHOICE**. All for one lucky winner. (And yes, that includes any custom order....just in case you need pig cookies, or flower cookies, or say, I dunno, Dr. Who cookies...whatever).
How do I win you ask? It's easy....There are four chances to enter.
STEP 1!! - Follow the blog. If you don't already follow it. Click the button! It's painless (nearly) I promise. The leave a comment telling me you now follow me. I welcome stalkers. If you already track my every baking movement, leave a comment telling me that you are already an Ali Bee Zombie. That is entry ONE!
STEP 2!! - Become a fan on Facebook. Just press "Like". You do like me don't you? I like one really has to know. We'll keep it our little secret. Then come back here and leave a comment telling me that you "Like" me. If you are already a Facebook fan then don't be shy, tell me that you "Like" me in a comment here on this blog post. That counts as entry number TWO! If you feel like an easy THIRD entry comment on a cookie (or cake or whatever) design that you like on the FB page. Then come back and leave a comment that you commented....I love comments.
STEP 3!! - Blog or tweet about the Give-A-Way! Tweeting is super will take you like a microsecond....easy peasy entry number FOUR!
SUPER SIMPLE! :) That is 4 ways to enter. Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
Contest ends 11:59 PM CST on Thursday, March 17!!
**As Ali Bee's Bake Shop is booked up for the remainder of March, please be advised that you will not be able to receive your order till April 8th at the earliest....but hey, they're free cookies....:) **
YAY!! Over 500 FB fans!! I am so WOWED!!
Yay! We have a winner!!

i am a new follower!!! yeah! steph at
Congratulations Steffie! I will be emailing you today!!
Thank you everyone who participating!! This was the best Give-A-Way so far!! :)

I LOVE your beautiful cookies and follow you on google!
I'm totally hooked on cookies - and yours are gorgeous! I'm following your blog now. Can't wait to see what you do for Easter next month!
Thanks for the chance to win some cookies!
I love your cookies
Just scrolled through all of your pictures over on Facebook and I'm love love lovin' your lingerie Valentine's cookies. So dang sweet!!
Thanks for the chances...
I'm a fan of yours over on Facebook. Can't wait to see what you've got coming up for spring!
happy cookie weekend!!
I am your fan on facebook already,and I'm going to go comment on a design as well. I have three little boys who ♥ cookies!
I "like" you! YAAAAYYYY! and I LOVE cookies!
I'm a follower too!!
Congrats, that's so awesome that you have so many followers! I would love to get my hands on some of those delicious cookies of yours, so just in case you weren't sure I super stalk you to see the latest cookie design...your cookie skills amaze me! So yes I am a follower and a fan on Facebook! Congrats again, so happy for you! :)
I found you first on fb, loved your individual baby shower looking cakes, the pregnant mommies with the umbrella's (My daughter is due in August with my first grandbaby) and it means sooooo much cause I just had to have a mastectomy done a week. So you actually inspird me to maybe take a decorating class. I LOVE your work. Thanks for sharing all your talent.
I'm a new hobby baker and I love your blog! So many beautiful cookies and useful information. I recently finished radiation and chemo treatments for cancer and am now recuperating. Baking relaxes me and gives me an outlet for my creativity. thanks for all the info and tips.
I loooove your blog and follow you on Facebook!
I follow you on google!!...but prefer FB!
And.....I shared! your giveaway...maybe then youll be bumped up even higher!!
I am a NEW follower on your blog!!!! Your cookies are amazing!!
I am also a Facebook follower!!! You are very talented!!
I became a follower of your blog as I just discovered it through Facebook cookier friends. Your sweets look amazing! Thank you so much and congratulations on hitting over 500 fans!!! Cristin (Pinkie)
I have been following u on your blog and Facebook for some time! You are so incredibly talented! I would be thrilled to win your cookies! My sons 2nd birthday coming up! Congrats!!!
I'm already a follower.
I think your cookie decorating is just amazing. I am now a blog follower.
I "liked" your facebook page.
I commented on a photo on your facebook page. You are SO talented!
Okay, it was painless, you were right. You are a rock star and I a happy not only follow you daily on facebook, but now am a blogstalker as well! I thought one comment would get me two shots @ your fantastico cookies...I liked you on facebook long ago m'dear (and I still do!)
I'm following you! :-)
Just found your page and liked you on facebook, you do beautiful work!
Rosie's Country Baking, on Facebook
I also posted your contest on fb :)
I follow you :)
I Liked you on facebook :)
I follow you!
I like you too!
Ooo, I would love to see your gorgeous cookies in person!!! Okay, I follow your blog.
I liked you on Facebook! :)
And I commented on your martini glass cookies on facebook. They are so amazing, by the way! :)
I am a new fan and love to pass many an hour admiring the talents of you cookie-makers!
I follow your blog on my google reader and am a fan on Facebook too!
Would love to win your give-away!!
I'm a follower and a fan on FB. Thanks for offering this give-away! Getting a dozen of your specialty cookies would be really fun! Thanks! Cristin (Pinkie)
I stalk you everywhere. Here first! Please send me cookies! I FOLLOW ALI BEE AND HAVE Begged her to blog!
You do beautiful work, very inspiring, pls pick me!!
I just "like" you in FB
Left a FB comment, please oh please pick me!!!!!!!
I follow you using Google! Just found you via Sugar Belle.
Love! Love! Love! to follow you on FB.....I think it's awesome that you are giving your fine creations away in a random giveaway. Would love to win or congrats to whomever wins!!!
i am a new follower!!! yeah! steph at
i am now a fan on facebook!!! sorry dont tweet tho. steph at
I just "liked" you a couple of days ago. I am new to your facebook page but love, love, love your cookies. Your cookies are all so beautiful! So glad I found your FB page. Hope I can win the contest and Happy Anniversary to your blog!
I am a new follower on FB! Love your stuff. Soo cute!
now following!!!
like you on FB!
Following your blog. I love your cookie designs!
I also "liked" you on FB!!
Commented on a photo on FB. I love your work!!!
I like you on facebook! and I am not just saying that hehe!
I am following you now as well! glad I found your blog very inspirational!
Stephanie H.
Gaithersburg, MD
I am loving looking at all your creations! I'm now a facebook fan.
Follow your blog and "like" you on facebook!!! Love your talent!
I love your FB page and have been a fan for a while now. Thanks,
I saved your blog in my cookie favorites when I started getting interested in decorating cookies. I love it and get lots of tips from there. Thanks for the inspiration.
I really love your Texas cookies! I never thought of cutting out the star! Thanks,
I like you on FB!!!! I really do! :)
I'm following you now :)
I "Like" you on Facebook... Looking forward to reading your posts.
I love your cupcake cookies and your monster cookies on your fb page... Very creative and cute!!!
I am a follower everyday not just when there is a give away!!! I love and admire your work, you are truly a talented lady.
I "like" you!!! Sheila
I am a new follower!!
I want some cookies so bad!!!! I follow you on FB under the name Kailee Adams!
I follow you via GFC!
Ugh...I think gfc is using my boyfriend's account for this, sorry! It's not letting me switch for some reason...anyway...I tweeted about your giveaway!
I commented on your fb page! :D
I love your blog! All of your cookies are so creative! I'm just starting to work with royal icing, so i love seeing new designs!
Oh and I follow your blog!
Ali are awesome!! I am a blog follower for sure! Look forward to one day being as good as you :)
~Ka'ala from SugarHI Creations
Faithful Facebook Follower too! :)
~Ka'ala of SugarHI Creations
I commented on your FB page...under your FLORAL section...that hibiscus looking white and pink flower is AMAZING!! I LOVE IT!!!
~Ka'ala of SugarHI Creations
I blogged your giveaway!! It's here at :
And posted it to FB too so others will see it :)
Can I just say your lingerie and conversation cookies are to die for!!
~Ka'ala of SugarHI Creations
I now follow your blog. It is official!
I Liked you on facebook. You make lovely cookies.
I commented on your cookies.
I tweeted about you. Thank you for the giveaway!
I follow you and love you Ali Bee!! Your cookies inspire me!
I've also commented, probably too much. :)
Hello! My name is Patty and I'm an Ali Bee's electronic medium addict.
I found you on Facebook and have fallen in love with your cookies and your unbelievable talents.
Hello! I've been reading your blog for about a week now, and finally figured out how to officially 'follow' you. Love your work!
Liked you on fb!
I'm a blog follower.
I'm a fan on FB and in general.
Tiffany boxes are my fave!
I am also a big fan of your FB page and 'liked' that a while ago.
I'm a FB fan!!
I follow you here and i just love all your postings and i dnt think that your a bad blogger! So please dnt repeat it! Ur doing great!!
Your cookies and designs are fabulous! Hope to win... I'd love a taste! :)
Ohhhhh how fun! I'd LOVE to win your cookies! They are stunningly gorgeous! Now a blog follower!
Already a FB fan! My favorite cookies to date are the most recent published in the wedding gallery. The turquoise with red brush embroidery flowers are amazing!
Hey Alison, I just blogged about your cookies...thought you'd like to know!! Rory
Your blog is awesome and your cookies are beautiful! I follow your blog and I just "liked" you on facebook!
I've liked you on facebook and now follow your blog.......and I am a fan. Was a stalker, but I'm out in the open now!! Yippee!
Alison, hace tiempo que te sigo y me encanta todo lo que haces, intento aprender de ti. Seria impresionante tener una galleta de las tuyas.
Un saludo desde Barcelona (España)
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