Yes, there are flaws in New Orleans...I mean...Bourbon Street...kinda dirty and well... you know...
But the FOOD! The food is some of the best anywhere. And Louisiana is so beautiful. All those bayous and moss covered trees....old homes...wildlife and water....
And did I mention food?
I basically go visit New Orleans (and Louisiana in genreal) just to eat. I used to go visit my sister while she was in LSU. Last time I was in Louisiana actually was when she graduated... I've been running short of valid excuses to get my fat happy butt back....
Anyway... Mardi Gras right?
I had an idea for a tutorial....that I am still working on...but didn't have time to incorporate into this
But I'll get to it I swear.
At the moment, my mom is in town. She's helping me set up my nursery. You should see it! Ok well...I guess you could if I would actually post something about it like I said I would....tomorrow.
This mask, by the way, is an Ecrandal cutter. I just added some stuff to a few of them to make them more festive.
See that's the basic shape. It's pretty, no? The colors on these was not what I was really aiming for...I was hoping the pink would be darker and hotter....
BUT I think they turned out ok. A friend of mine said it reminded her of Mardi Gras in Alice in Wonderland....yeah, ok I'll run with that.
So yeah...
I have just had a busy busy week. Swelling is starting to set into my hands...makes cookies a little slower than they used to be. My feet still look great tho.... think I can cookie with my feet? No? A bit too unhygienic ? Hmm... perhaps you have a point.
Me thinks that this week I will have the family come over for a New Orleans feast. I have gumbo my dad made, boudin balls, and crawfish to use. I'm hungry now.
I hope you all are having as great a weekend as I am so far :)

I agree with you, N.O. has the best food anywhere, hands down! It's my hometown and I get back to visit from Calif anytime I can to visit family and EAT! Love your masks, so intricate and details.... really pretty..
These cookies are magical, fit for a royal masquerade! Link up your other gorgeous Mardi Gras masks from 2011 they were awesome as well.
I love these cookies! So bright, so festive, so Mardi Gras! I am holing you to a tutorial on these!
these are gorgeous...I have yet to go to Mardi Gras, but my college daughter is there this weekend, which means I am not sleeping, but praying a whole lot! And boudin balls????? I love those things!
These are just stunning! I swear that I could just sit and stare at your work for hours! Love how you did these!
Absolutely gorgeous - creative and colorful!
These cookies are just exquisite - LOVE!!
These are so beautiful!
Absolutely gorgeous! Def with an Alice of Wonderland vibe, but in a great way!
Your cookies always make me smile! The colors are gorgeous!!!
The detail in these cookies is exquisite.
Oh my gosh, these are gorgeous!
These are spectacular!! I love how your colors came out! Isn't it funny how when we are not totally happy with the colors - or they don't match up with what was in our head - no one else can see that! All they see are stunningly beautiful cookies. You are amazing :-)
We just got back from Carnival in Venice and these cookies reminded me of there. The cookies are amazing, you are so talented. Thank you for sharing your talent with strangers.
New Orleans sure is known for it's food. I live here and wouldn't move for anything.
You're cookies are amazing. I love that mask cutter. I'm going to have to pick that one up.
Funny! The color palate was the first thing I admired. In fact, I just sent a like to this page to a friend, because I thought she might like this palate for her daughter's birthday cookies.
They are gorgeous!
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