Gotta delegate time...I only have 4 weeks to get it all together after all....
This week (well last week really....I just forgot to post) we had the painter come out and paint all the trim in the room.
Here is what it looked like before...
A sea of brown....and khaki..... blah...
And here is what it looks like after the trim is complete.
see my daughter.....see her infiltrate pictures...
It's a total transformation if you ask me. The room is bigger and brighter feeling.
So nice to get rid of all that wood. I mean, I like's masculine and all....but it was claustrophobic to me.
Waddaya think? People looked at me like I was nuts when I told them I wanted the wood painted over. They were like "Are you sure? It's real stained and lacquered wood". And I was thinking...."Uh I'm sure that if I have to rock a baby to sleep in that timber box after a long day I'll cry...more than the newborn... probably with the newborn...two giant babies alone in a wooden room".
Ya know thinking about it...only men said that to me. Men and wood....I don't get it.
I'm so glad this part is over with. Because the wood was lacquered it had to be sanded and primed. The oil primer was SO stinky. I mean fumes galore. It was so bad, we spent 2 nights at my in-laws house to escape it. But worth it I think :)

Men and their true.
Love the fresh new look, can't wait to see what comes next!
Fantastic transformation...paint is the easiest fix with the biggest bang...only 4 weeks, that is gonna fly by! Enjoy!
Right up there with cookies are house remodel projects. So fun to see the before and after pics. The white looks so clean and bright. Thx for sharing.
Totally agree that the painted wood looks brighter and definately better for a baby's room... what do men know...LOL
Aww, it's cute. I like it! Think it made a BIG difference too ;) Miss the days of prepping for a new, I'm re-living it thru your blog, lol.
I love the new room!! Totally opens up the space!
As soon as I saw the first photo I thought "that wood would look nice painted white". Nice choice!
Very bright and airy! Love it x
When we lived outside of Chicago (in the 90's) EVERYONE had stained, lacquered wood trim. It was the first thing I knew I had to tackle when we bought our house. People (male and female)thought I was nuts but I was from the east coast and I had to have white trim. It took me months just to find a painter who would be willing to do the job! It completely transformed our house and uplifted my spirits and, before long, everyone in my neighborhood wanted it done too! When you have to endure cold winters, stained wood trim does not help!!! I love it..You go girl!! Can't wait to see how the rest of the nursery comes together.
Signed, Happy with all white trim in North Carolina...<3
I love the new look. Love it! How wonderful to have all those built in shelves.
Oh, this looks great! You will really make good use of those shelves and the color is SO much better! It really brightens up the room!
Its beautiful! One lucky baby!
Wow - what a difference! Looking at your photos makes me want to do some redecorating around my house!
Men and wood... *chuckle*
It's SO much bigger now! I love your choice, and I'm excited to see the rest as it comes along!
It's gorgeous! You'll smile every time you walk in there.
Love the white trim, it looks great!
Oh yeah. I would have been one of the ones asking you if you were sure you wanted to paint it. I would have suggested stripping it and applying a clear laquer or white pickled stain. BUT! It's your house, and you have to be the one who is happy. I have spent weeks stripping painted wood and using dental tools to get the paint out of every little crack. So, I do cringe a bit when folks paint it. :-) but it belongs to you! So what I think doesn't matter at all!
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