I was pretty determined to give myself and my kid every shot at a natural birth. Not that I am a hard core naturalist, or that I judge or anything. I just wanted the experience this time around that I didn't get with my first baby. Sophie was induced a week early because I became toxemic. It wasn't pleasant. She was not ready and neither was I. I digress...
But 2 weeks post due date my doctor put his foot down. No more waiting for me. I wasn't progressing past 4cm no matter how many things I tried (and I tried almost everything). It was due day...
So after a relatively shorter (compared to the days of labor I was in with Sophie) labor John was born.
Born March 28, 2013 at 10:38pm
21.75 inches long
7lb 15oz
So what was the hold up? He was sunny side. That little trouble maker.... I won't go into too much detail (unless someone actually wants to hear my birth story...in which case I'll write another post) I delivered him sunny side up, on pitocin, which let me tell you has to be one of the most life altering experiences ever. You don't realize really how dang attached you are to your own body until you do THAT labor. To sum up...it's like having large meat hooks driven into your back and then someone trying to rip the flesh from your spine with them. It was horrible. But I made it, back intact, and he is so beautiful and perfect (to me anyway). Absolutely worth it.
So right now he's already 4lbs heavier and 2 inches longer than he was at birth....they grow like weeds...I must have forgotten. And he's just now starting to start sleeping through the night...most of the time...for the last week maybe....which I think is awesome. I need the sleep. In the first few weeks he did this cluster feeding thing where he wanted to eat constantly from like 9pm to 5am. I almost died. Considering that my husband has been out of town for work since he was 3 weeks old....I almost died.
Let me take this time to say how truly blessed I feel that I have a partner in this. It isn't until he's away that you realize how much help he gives you in the few hours he's home from work at night. And an additional shout out to the single moms...don't know how you do it.
So lately I've been in baby mode...which means autopilot half the time. That being said I'm going to try really hard to start getting online more regularly. And if you've messaged me or emailed me in the last 2 months and I haven't answered then I'm sorry....I either forgot to go back and answer or I lost the brain cells that allow me to think more than 10 seconds into the future...or both...probably both. Just re-email or re-message. I'll get to it.
yeah....probably both.

Alison, he is just stunning! That face... I would get nothing done for staring at him. So glad to see you around again, which means things are settling with the baby. Hope your daughter is enjoying him, too!
This little boy is beautiful. I know you and your family are so excited. Hope you are both doing well and glad you are back
So glad you're back and hope your family is doing well - and he is GORGEOUS!!!! I just miss reading your blog ;o)
He is gorgeous! I can relate to that pitocin nightmare...so glad everything went well beyond that. Enjoy the time, they grow faster than weeds!!!
CONGRATS! What a beautiful baby boy...thankfully it only takes about two seconds after delivery when you see them for the first time, to forget all the pain they caused you getting here!
I was given pitocin when I developed toxemia during labor. I must have been lucky or they didn't give me as much because I don't remember it being that bad. Of course I have nothing to compare it to as it was my first, and only, birth :) Anyway, your son is amazingly gorgeous! Enjoy every precious moment.
He is so perfectly beautiful and well worth the effort! Enjoy your little "sun"!
Congratulations! He is beautiful. Take as much time for you and your family as you need. We will be here waiting for you when you get back! :)
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful son, Ali. Wonderful to see you are back!
What a handsome little fellow. God bless him!
I'm so glad to see you again! Your baby is just beautiful! We miss you, but don't worry about us- just have fun with your family!
He's a beautiful, beautiful baby. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Ali!
Congrats to the entire family! Brings back so many happy memories. My little guy is grown and we dropped him off for Basic Training just last week. It is true that they grow up quickly. I truly believe that you have children so that you can enjoy your grandchildren! We are just so busy raising them. Enjoy!
He is just beautiful!! My baby fever just got kicked into overdrive!
What a gorgeous, handsome, perfect baby boy! Congratulations to you and your family. You are definitely very blessed!!
Believe me when I say that John is not just beautiful and perfect *to you anyway*
Congratulations on his safe, albeit arduous arrival. Glad to read that Mom and Son are doing great.
Enjoy your beautiful and perfect son!
I bet Sophie adores her little brother.
Congratulations on your beautiful new baby! when my daughter was born she nursed every 2 hours throughout the night - and continued to do so for 18 months!! She never bought into the whole sleeping through the night thing. I still wish I could relive those days again though... I silently follow your blog and am glad that you are baby are happy and healthy
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